Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How Does Your Garden Grow? Blog Post #6 Annika Gordon

Our plant uses photosynthesis, cell division, and cellular respiration to grow bigger and add biomass, though it seems to be doing this very slowly. When the chlorophyll in the leaves soaks up sunlight during photosynthesis it helps our plant grow bigger, this happens its entire life. It uses cell division to grow back parts of leafs that may have been eaten, and to grow taller so it can get more sunlight and not be left in the shade by the plants surrounding it. Our plant, though small, still uses cellular respiration to produce sugar, ATP, and carbon dioxide, all things which help its growth progress. If a signal was to be sent to the nucleus of the cells in our plant, PEPC and Rubisco would be produced more. This would happen because they are enzymes and enzymes are proteins which make a reaction speed up. The enzymes in plants are partially responsible for its growth, so by producing more PEPC and Rubisco our plant would grow faster.

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