Friday, October 28, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #3 : Katie Inman

Our plant has grown a little taller and the leaves have gotten bigger. It has 3 big leaves on the taller stems and a couple smaller leafs on the lower stems. The stems are like tooth pics and are a dusty green. The plant is smaller than others like it in the garden.  All of the larger leaves have been slightly eaten.

Our plant participates in the movement of water in the biosphere because it uses water to grow and survive. Without water our plant who die. We know that it is a part of the cycle, because it is not dead and it is very smaller to do lack of water.

It also participates in the movement of carbon is the biosphere, by using sunlight. Our plants main source of carbon is from sunlight and it uses this to grow and prosper. When something eats it or it dies it will be transformed to the eater or back into the soil.

Another thing our plant participates in is the movement of nitrogen in the biosphere. Nitrogen in the atmosphere is changed by bacteria then is absorbed by the roots of the plant. When it dies the nitrogen will go back into the atmosphere

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