Friday, October 28, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #4: Katie Inman

Some of the abiotic factors that our plant depends on for survival are water, soil, and sunlight. Other plants, animals, and insects would be an example of biotic factors that affect our plant. We have been seeing insects affecting our plant recently. We think that it is some type of caterpillar because it is munching on the leaves. This is predation, done by a primary consumer. Also, invading grasses have been growing around our plant which is completion for ours because it grows taller it could cover ours blocking the sunlight. This grass could also be taking water and nutrients from the soil. So far, we have not seen any animals affecting out plant but is squirrel could come in and burry their acorn for winter but dig up our plant in the process.

The winner in competition between two plants is the one who grows more or benefits more from the resources, but it is hard to determine which one that is.  You don’t always know what a successful version of the certain plant is like and when you throw limited resources on top of that it is even more difficult.

An example of succession in the garden is when the other plants die, but other ones sprout up where it was. This would be secondary succession because the plants are growing from dirt, where as in primary succession the start with no dirt.

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