Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #4: Whitley Moody

1. Our plant depends on many abiotic factors including, weather, temperature, and sunlight exposure.  Some biotic factors that affect our plant are other pants competing for sunlight, bugs that eat our plant, and humans who may come and mess with the garden.

2.I know that our plant is engaged in competition because there are many plants surrounding our plant, so it must compete for sunlight, nutrients from the soil, and rain water when it rains.

3.  A "winner" in this situation would be a plant that thrives and begins to produce food.  A "loser" would be a plant like ours that is dying and slowly losing it's leaves.  No, sometimes it isn't clear who is "winning or "losing" because many plants are close to the same size, so it will be hard to determine which is growing better.

4.  Our plant is also being used as a producer which is preventing it from growing.  Some type of animal, a squirrel, worms, bugs, ants, etc. is eating our plant.  This is a good thing for the animals eating our plant because they are being fed, but for our plant it is bad, because it is preventing it from growing.

5.In our garden, an example of succession would be how close and how many plants there are in the planter boxes.  In each planter box there is a whole class worth of plants.  This is probably primary succession because it was built on new land that was fresh.

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